Writing Advice

Here (via here). The last link takes you to Jo van Every’s advice blog, where she has been running a series on writing.

The point with these – as said before – is not that the same thing works for everyone, but that so many people seem stuck in habits that do not work well for them, that there is a benefit in hearing more about how others do it.

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1 Response to Writing Advice

  1. Oliver Belcher says:

    Thanks for all these links Stuart, and again, more thanks for talking about your own work habits in your interviews. It has long been a project of mine to accumulate writing and reading “habits” (much like Simon Critchley has collected death stories) on the people I admire. I have a whole database on them that I should turn into a book one day. Personally, my writing “problem” is a vicious cycle where I don’t feel like my words quite capture the way I had an idea worked out in my head, which turns into an anxiety in writing. I also have the bad habit of reading the paper or my novel first in the morning, thinking that I will have “plenty of time later on,” and then get so caffeinated that writing turns more into a confusing, rather than productive, exercise!

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